A Special 1-Day Free Facility Management Training Program

Facility Management knowledge at your finger tips


Starts January 4th, 2025 | Time: 10 am

Does This Sound Like You?

You want to know the industry skills required to succeed in Facility Management

You need guidance and support in pursuing your dreams to reach your highest potential

You already manage a property but have little to no background in Facility Management

You want to start your own profitable and successful FM business and need the blueprint.

What You Will Learn?

Session 1: Introduction to Facility Management

Basics of facility management and its importance in today’s world.

Session 2: Facility Management Career Planning

Explore career opportunities and growth in Facility Management

Session 3: Facility Management Career Development

Best practices for effective facility management

At The End of The Training, You Will...

Get a free digital certificate in facility management

Gain in-depth knowledge of Facility Management

Get a nationally acclaimed certification from Max-Migold Training Centre accredited by Oil and Gas Training Association OGTAN

Advance your career in the fast-growing Facility Management industry


Physical Class

HRDC Building University of Lagos Main Campus Akoka Yaba, 101212, Lagos

About The Trainer

Paul Erubami

Are You Ready To Gain Facility Management Knowledge At Your Finger Tips?

Open chat
Hi there. Welcome to Max-Migold Ltd. Let me know if I can help you with FMMC Program. Can I ask your name? This is Paul by the way.